Ingrid Capacity establishes battery storage in Karlshamn
01 July, 2022

Ingrid Capacity has signed an agreement with Karlshamn Energi and the municipality of Karlshamn to enable the construction of a battery storage site of approximately three megawatts in Karlshamn. The new site will have a capacity comparable to what about 300 villas consume at their peak power demand. The energy storage facility is expected to be fully operational in early 2023.
Sandra Lindholm Wu
sandra.lindholm.wu@ingridcapacity.comThe establishment of an energy storage facility in Karlshamn is part of the green transition and continued electrification. Karlshamn has an interesting geographical location for battery storage thanks to its electricity capacity and land availability. Battery storage aims to stabilize electricity grids during low power output and then pushing in during power peaks locally, regionally and nationally.
“The electricity grid faces enormous challenges as society electrifies and shifts to climate-smart and renewable energy. So-called intermittent sources are becoming increasingly important and energy storage in the form of battery farms of this kind is crucial. With this establishment, we are supporting Svenska Kraftnät’s need to create balance in the grid, create societal benefits and develop a modern energy infrastructure”, says Arvid Lilljeqvist, CEO of Ingrid Capacity.
“In order for Karlshamn to continue to grow with new companies and new homes, we need to secure our energy supply. A battery storage facility is an efficient solution that supports and strengthens the power grid in Karlshamn. Batteries will play an important role in the green transition as a stabilizing element when more solar and wind power is deployed in the region”, says Daniel Wäppling, Mayor of Karlshamn.
“This establishment is very exciting for Karlshamn and Blekinge! It is Karlshamn’s electricity capacity and land availability that creates interest and attractiveness. The whole picture with discussions on battery storage, wind power, charging and hydrogen has a positive impact on Karlshamn’s attractiveness and creates room for more new investments in the future”, says Mathias Wijk, Karlshamn’s Director of Establishment.
The energy storage of about three megawatts will be housed in containers. In operation, the facility will help to solve the power shortage that arises when electricity demand increases. From day one, the battery storage will help to handle more power peaks without exceeding the power draw from the overhead grid.
“Karlshamn has a great attractiveness, and we can already see several exciting new establishments that require a large amount of power. We must be able to offer our customers an electricity network that can cope with the demand. The battery storage gives us better conditions for creating even more capacity in our electricity network and makes it possible for us to match Karlshamn’s attractiveness in a good way,” says Benjamin Gacanin, Business Area Manager Electricity Network at Karlshamn Energi.